A close friend of mine did something really exciting and inspiring.....at the age of 45, she put a big fat check on her bucket list. She packed up her back pack, bought some good hiking boots, and off to do the El Camino de Santiago. I also have other friends that are packing up with their teenagers in tow and traveling for a year in Mexico. It's funny how a percentage of women my age are finding life way to complicated and are yearning to down sizing the clutter mentally and physically to feed their soul.
I have to ask the question why?
I can only go by my thoughts and experiences and in my case I feel I was last on my list of priorities. I think at some point you have to put your wants and needs first. What...put yourself first before your children, husband, family and work. I know that is just crazy talk! Life is way to short. I am currently at a cross roads in my life. Metaphorically, I am at the top of the mountain looking down wondering what path I should take. What ever I choose I know it will be the right one for me. I am very excited as there is a lot wonderful energy happening all around me.
Let go and let be.
I am currently working on a small piece and should be completed by tomorrow. Still blocking out the loon 's body and reflection. I am finding I love painting water!
If anyone has comments, please don't hesitate to share.
Happy May long weekend everybody!