Monday, 11 August 2014

"The Road Less Traveled" - Opening Reception

I have been really busy paintings these last couple of months and am finally complete.  I am currently finishing up on painting the edges of the canvas and varnishing.  I love how each piece is different but my style ties them all together.....yes it turns out I have a painting style.  Who would of thought.

I am driving out to Clear Lake Wednesday to drop off my pieces so they can get them ready for Friday's opening reception.  Please see the invitation below.  Thursday and Friday I will be just hanging out and enjoying my time drinking coffee, updating my website with my current work, and maybe read a book.  How relaxing!

Thank you to all of my friends and family who have supported me and been very understanding as I have pretty well fallen off the face of society.  I appreciate each and everyone of you.

I am very proud of what I have accomplished in such short time.

Looking forward to seeing how people respond to my work.

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