Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Trust in Your Journey

I am going to see a keynote speaker Amanda Lindhout tomorrow night and am attending her workshop Friday at the St. Boniface Cathedral hosted by The Catholic Health Association of Manitoba.

Her story is incredible.  She was capture traveling as a journalist in Somalia in 2008 and held hostage for 460 days.  She escaped and soon after wrote a book called A House in the Sky.  The event is about "Freedom in Forgiveness" which is an area that I continue to work on as it can be a struggle for me.  For someone who endured so much and to find forgiveness is all inspiring.  I guess if I can take anything from this, is that you need to trust in your journey.

Trust in my journey. powerful.  Since I have started this crazy journey back to painting lots of new and exciting things has happened over this past year.  My first juried show, my first exhibition, and my first sale.....that wasn't by family or friends.  Now I have an opportunity for representation with a gallery based out of New York.  So hopefully in the next week or so I can add gallery representation to my list of firsts.

I will keep everyone posted!

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