Monday, 15 June 2015


A couple of weekends ago I spent some time at the Bear Valley Highlands Wilderness Retreat with an amazing artist/instructor Dominik Modlinski and other like minded artists.  The area was abundant with views of forests, mountains, meadows, and a small lake.  The wild animals came out this year in abundance as I saw bears, coyotes, dear, eagles, and a snake.  It was a full moon....

The ranch also had many domestic animals like highland cows, horses, goats and their two dogs who patrol the enormous property keeping all safe.

This year I set my goals differently, producing whatever I produce with no judgement, focusing on the process not the end product.  Plein air is really difficult to do and will take many-many years to master.  I think the most challenging was trying to paint fast enough before the acrylic dries.....and in some instances it dried right on the brush before hitting the board.

Dominik was a great teacher.  He is very technical and often asking questions of the piece in front of me which I was really thankful for.  I also enjoyed the daily group critiques after a full day of painting.  I think my fellow artist Tatjana Mirkov-Popovicki said it best in her blog;

"I have always considered critics by a sincere and knowledgeable person precious.  When such a person takes the time and energy to briefly step into my world and tries to help with my next step, is an act of ultimate generosity.  I keep in mind that receiving a critique is not an entitlement - it is an opportunity to receive valuable information.  I try to remember everything that is said, and later analyze it and figure out how best to use it." 

It was a really great experience this year as I learned a ton.  I came home inspired and eager to start painting!

I just completed a new piece that is entered into the Manitoba Society of Artists 83rd Annual Open Juried Art Exhibition running from June 29-September 4, 2015 at the Mennonite Heritage Centre, Gallery 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg.

"Dusk at Kemp Cottage - Shoal Lake", 36"x36" acrylic and ink on 1 3/4" canvas

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